Who is
Paul King?
Paul King is a lifelong New Yorker who has lived on the Rockaway Peninsula for 50 years. Through his family and neighbors, Paul has seen how the American dream works for everyday Americans when education, faith, family, opportunity and hard work come together.
Paul’s maternal grandfather landed on Ellis Island as a 10-year-old and ended up in an orphanage. Through hard work, trials and tribulations, he eventually found success as an entrepreneur and owned a home in Brooklyn. Paul’s father, Jack, grew up on relief during the Depression. When Paul was born in 1963, Jack was working three jobs to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. Jack and his wife, Eleanor, eventually bought their own home in Rockaway and saw their three children graduate college – an opportunity they never had.
In the 1970s, Paul’s neighborhood of Belle Harbor was populated with civil servants and blue-collar workers. Today, many of his neighbors are second-and third-generation Rockaway residents who emulated their parents’ values. They are good citizens raising fine families of their own and giving back to the community in numerous ways.
Paul believes dearly that the opportunity to pursue your dreams is the birthright of every American.
Throughout his adult life, Paul has helped people work together toward common goals. He has taken on leadership positions as a CYO baseball coach, team captain, committee chair, soccer coach and president of the local civic association. In business, Paul founded a management consulting company in 1993. This successful firm has helped hundreds of government and corporate clients solve problems by understanding the causes of systemic problems.
In the local community, Paul followed his parents lead and has spent decades contributing to Rockaway Little League, Belle Harbor Property Owners Association and Community Board 14. He is also a strong, consistent voice for unity and American values. You can read many of his Letters to the Editor on his personal site, Our Flag Is Still There.
Paul and his wife, Margaret, have three children –strong, adult women– and two grandchildren.
Paul King is a true believer in America but clear-eyed about the challenges we face together. His combination of optimism, civic engagement, problem-solving prowess, ability to collaborate across political and ethnic lines, and proven leadership skills make him an ideal candidate for the United States Congress.